Quality control
Average technical replicates
Eliminate standard samples
Filter samples & features
Authors: Andrei Todor, Shuzhao Li
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats.stats import pearsonr
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind, f_oneway
from statsmodels.sandbox.stats.multicomp import multipletests
from pylab import savefig
from math import log
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
Each row has a number of header attributes, listed before the intensity values for each technical replicate.
# number of initial columns
frontcols = 4
Sometimes the column names in the feature table are within quotation marks
# file names are within quotation marks in arg 1 (0/1)
quotes = 0
Sometimes the sample identifiers in the sequence file end in _1, _2, ..., etc., where _1, _2, ... indicate the technical replicate number
# sample ids are subscripted in arg 2 (0/1)
subscripted = 1
Sometimes the column names in the feature table include the extension of the file name to which they correspond
# file name have extension in arg 1
extension = 1
infile = "../data/features_pos.txt"
mydata = pd.read_table(infile)
header = [x for x in mydata]
Each column in the feature table is identified by a file name, and each file contains data from one technical replicate. For a meaningful biological analysis we want to compare biological samples. Therefore the association between file names and biological samples needs to be established. This association is found in the sequence file and we need to retrieve it.
# which samples are standards?
def is_sample(field):
return "nist" not in field and "q3" not in field and "wash" not in field
# sequence file
samplesfile = "../data/cdf_keys.csv"
#file name to sample name dictionary
sample_ids = {}
sample_dict = {}
sampledata = open(samplesfile).readlines()
for line in sampledata[1:]:
dt = line.rstrip().split("\t")
if (subscripted == 1):
sample_dict[dt[0]] = dt[1][:-2]
sample_dict[dt[0]] = dt[1]
if is_sample(dt[1]):
sample_ids[dt[1][:-2]] = []
# sample names to file names dictionary
for sid in sample_ids:
for s in range(len(header) - frontcols):
f = header[s + frontcols]
if quotes == 1:
k = f[1 : len(f) - 1].split('.')
k = f.split('.')
if extension == 1:
fn = '.'.join(k[:len(k) - 1])
fn = k[0]
if sample_dict.has_key(fn):
field_name = sample_dict[fn]
if (sid == field_name):
Plot average intensity in samples
new_header = [x for x in mydata][frontcols:]
log_data = np.log2(mydata + 1)
mean_TIC = log_data.mean(0)
# plot bars for first N columns
N = min(50, len(new_header))
ind = np.arange(N)
plt.bar(ind, mean_TIC[frontcols:frontcols+N])
plt.ylabel("Average intensity")
plt.title("Ave Intensity [:%d]" %N)
plt.xticks(ind, mydata.columns[frontcols : N + frontcols], rotation=-90)
Distribution of signal intensities in histograms
# only if the sample number is large
import matplotlib.mlab as mlab
num_bins = 50
plt.hist(mean_TIC, num_bins, normed=0)
plt.title("Distribution of sample ave TIC")
plt.xlabel("Average log2(intensity)")
plt.ylabel("Number of replicates")
Distribution of signal intensities in histograms, without NIST or Qstd samples
# to exclude reference samples:
sample_header = [x for x in header[frontcols:] if is_sample(x)]
sample_data = log_data[ sample_header ]
plt.hist(sample_data.mean(0), num_bins, normed=0)
plt.title("Distribution of sample ave TIC")
plt.xlabel("Average log2(intensity)")
plt.ylabel("Number of replicates")
# this new plot shows that the reference samples were clustered around X=11.3
# and there are a few samples with very low intensities, which should be taken out
# alternative way to show:
low_intensity_replicates = []
print("~~~ Samples with ave log2 intensity < 10:")
for i in range(len(mean_TIC)):
if mean_TIC[i] < 10:
low_intensity_replicates.append(header[i + frontcols])
print(header[i + frontcols], mean_TIC[i])
Determine which replicates to remove: pairwise correlations between technical replicates of the same sample must be smaller than cutoff.
# sample correlation threshold
corr_thr = 0.3
def call_bad_replicate(CorrDataFrame, corr_CUTOFF):
# assuming three replicates here,
# return list of bad replicates
names = [x for x in CorrDataFrame]
good = []
if CorrDataFrame.values[0, 1] > corr_CUTOFF:
good += [names[0], names[1]]
if CorrDataFrame.values[0, 2] > corr_CUTOFF:
good += [names[0], names[2]]
if CorrDataFrame.values[1, 2] > corr_CUTOFF:
good += [names[1], names[2]]
return [x for x in names if x not in good]
all_Pearson_coefficients, bad_replicates = [], []
for k,v in sample_ids.items():
if len(v) == 3: # only do if three replicates
Pr = log_data[[header[x + frontcols] for x in v]].corr()
all_Pearson_coefficients.append((v, Pr))
bad = call_bad_replicate(Pr, corr_thr)
if bad:
bad_replicates += bad
print("- Bad corr - %s" %str(bad))
# uncomment below to see the whole corr matrix
# For this example dataset, many Qstd samples have the same name. Skipping them for now.
# Alternative method can use stats.pearsonr and itertools.combinations
# compare low_intensity_replicates with bad_replicates
print("Overlap btw low_intensity_replicates and bad_replicates:" )
# update sample_ids dictionary
black_list = set(low_intensity_replicates + bad_replicates)
new_sample_ids = {}
for k,v in sample_ids.items():
new = [x for x in v if header[x + frontcols] not in black_list]
if new:
if is_sample(k):
new_sample_ids[k] = new
We assume that the analysis involves comparison between two or more groups or classes of samples. The identifiers of samples corresponding to each group are listed in a separate text file, one file per group.
# sample groups
sample_files = ["../data/samples_p.csv", "../data/samples_mock.csv", "../data/samples_yf.csv"]
g = []
for gf in sample_files:
f = open(gf, 'r')
ids = [id.rstrip() for id in f.readlines() if len(id.strip()) > 0]
if len(ids) > 0:
Take average of non-zero values of technical replicates of each sample
For each feature, percentage of non-zero values in at least one group must be larger than threshold, otherwise feature is eliminated.
Compute presence histogram
Write processed feature table to file.
# zeros percentage threshold
pres = 0.5
filter_header = [] # new header
for i in range(frontcols): # initial columns
for gr in g:
for sid in gr:
if new_sample_ids.has_key(sid):
filter_data = []
zero_hist = [0.0] * (len(new_sample_ids.keys()) + 1)
for k in range(log_data.shape[0]):
line = log_data.iloc[k]
nl = []
nz = [0] * len(g)
for i in range(frontcols): # initial columns
for i in range(len(g)):
gr = g[i]
for sid in gr:
if new_sample_ids.has_key(sid):
st = [line[x + frontcols] for x in new_sample_ids[sid] if line[x + frontcols] > 1]
m = 0 if len(st) == 0 else np.mean(st)
if m > 0.0001:
nz[i] = nz[i] + 1
if any([float(nz[i])/float(len(g[i])) > pres for i in range(len(g))]):
zero_hist[sum(nz)] += 1
# output directory
out_dir = "../results"
with open(out_dir + "/features_avg_pos.txt", 'w') as file:
for line in filter_data:
file.write('\t'.join([str(x) for x in line]))
n = len(zero_hist)
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.bar([float(x)/float(n-1) for x in range(n)], zero_hist, 0.3/float(len(new_sample_ids.keys())))
plt.title("Non-zeros histogram")
plt.xlabel("Percentage presence")
plt.ylabel("Number of features")