Mummichog version 1.0.10 is now in standard Python package index, available at Pypi. For older standalone versions, see "version 1.0.9".
To get the install tool pip, follow instruction at Please note that for Mac OS and Linux, Python is shipped by default. Things can be more complicated on MS Windows, for which we highly recommend to install Anaconda 2 (note: mummchog is in Python 2, not tested for Python 3), a scientific Python distribution. Anaconda is good to have anyway.
Once you have pip, get mummichog1 by pip install mummichog1
In a command line window, type mummichog1
and mummichog will return the help message.
To analyze your data in file myData.txt, type mummichog1 -f myData.txt -o myResult
A tab-delimited text file is used as input. One feature per line. Any rows starting with '#' will be skipped. Each line has to contain the following tab-delimited numeric fields: m/z, retention time, p-value, statistic score
Example of input file (a test data file, right click to save):
mz rtime p-value t-score 186.0185697 463 0.000149751400132 3.82 279.1773473 90 0.000399613326314 3.56 344.1330624 124 0.000998323061251 -3.31 215.9641894 132 0.00105418285794 -3.29 177.0323244 77 0.00121065359218 3.256 296.0973768 135 0.00171645907855 -3.15 527.3784209 593 0.00176815004959 -3.14
A default run will generate a directory structure like this
1370958677.93.rhino9t/ result.html mummichog.log tsv/ InspectedNodes_ActivityNetwork.csv mcg_pathwayanalysis_rhino9t.csv mcg_pathwayanalysis_rhino9t.xlsx mcg_modularanalysis_rhino9t.csv mcg_modularanalysis_rhino9t.xlsx _tentative_featurematch_rhino9t.csv _tentative_featurematch_rhino9t.xlsx sif/ ActivityNetwork.txt module_1.txt ... web/ ...
A summary report is given in result.html, which can be viewed in modern web browsers (excluding IE 8 or older). Internet connection is required to link a visualization library.
Full tables, results from annotation, pathway analysis and network module analysis, are given under the tsv/ directory. Results are provided in two formats: tab-delimited (.tsv) and Excel (.xlsx).
Web browser based visual The "result.html" visualizes the activity network and up to top 5 modules, through javascript based technologies, while software development continues.
Cytoscape and .txt Network/pathway can be described in .txt files. One can use Cytoscape ( to visualize the .txt files. Cytoscape is a powerful tool to work on network graphs in a friendly graphic interface. Please refer to Cytoscape's guides for details.
The major change in version 2 is the enforcement of retention time in grouping isotopes/adducts. Other improvements include modular software design for better web service and inegration, tracking of user data, and adduct calculation more concious of chemical formula. Mummichog 2 test version is available at Pypi.
Once you have pip (see instruction under version 1), get mummichog by pip install mummichog
To analyze your data in file myData.txt, type mummichog -f myData.txt -o myResult
. Input format is the same as for version 1 above.
A default run will generate a directory structure like this
1370958677.93.rhino9t/ result.html tables/ ListOfEmpiricalCompounds.csv mcg_pathwayanalysis_rhino9t.csv mcg_pathwayanalysis_rhino9t.xlsx mcg_modularanalysis_rhino9t.csv mcg_modularanalysis_rhino9t.xlsx userInputData.txt figures/ network_modules/ ... mcg_pathwayanalysis_rhino9t.pdf plot_mcg_pathwayanalysis_rhino9t.pdf ... ...
Current features include
Future directions include
Please let us know if you would like to share ideas or request features.